You need to clean your gutter | South Shore Roofing
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How To Properly Clean your Gutter

Since one of the functions of your roof is to drain water and to prevent the possible build-up that would eventually pile and create a leakage, a proper roof absolutely needs to have a reliable gutter. Just like your hand needs your fingers to properly complete its function.

Mainly speaking, a gutter is long metal tube following the edges of your house. Its’ main purpose is to divert any rainwater, leaves and debris in general. To keep it high-functioning, it requires regular maintenance. Once it’s clogged, not only can it cause leakage , in a downfall of the accumulated waste and rainwater, it could seriously damage the very foundations of your property.


Like with everything else, there are a couple of basic ways to clean your gutter, depending on your preferred style. You can always do it the hardcore way and keep it simple by climbing up a ladder and manually removing the debris. Tools are optional, but gloves aren’t. In every action, safety comes first. To avoid any unnecessary damage and stains, it it suggested you should wear a long-sleeved shirt made of a thick material to prevent cuts done by the edges of the gutter.

The second most popular way to clean your gutter is to attack a small tool to your wet shop vac and by using that, blast any debris out of the gutter.

The third way is to attach a tool of your choosing to a water hose to spray the debris out of the gutter.

This isn’t written in stone, so feel free to use any possible  combination of the above-mentioned to get the best result. In the end ,it all depends on your personal preference and your experience.


Although it is fine to check your gutter once a year, experts of the field all agree that the best times to inspect that long metal tube is at the beginning of autumn and the end of spring. Since the weather in between those periods is rather unstable, it is better to be safe than sorry.
There are a couple of ways to maintain a gutter. By repeating those, you are minimizing the necessary supervision and cost.One of many ways is to simply scrub the accumulated dirt of the sides of the tube. You could also spray them down using a water hose.

You will probably have to readjust the slopes of the gutter every once in a while and the fastest way to check whether or not that is needed is to flush the gutter with water. Afterward, carefully observe the flow of the water to determine its speed. If the water drains slowly, try to reposition the slope until you find the optimal position.

If you’re living in an are heavily influenced by rainfall, we suggest arranging the fall of your downspouts into a dry well. As mentioned before, a large amount of water can shake the very foundations of your house, and above-standard rainfall can do the same. By diverting it into a dry well, you are directioning the flow away from the foundations of your household.

Just to make sure and of course for those DIY bees who want to know more, you can always turn to gutter covers. To fit your needs perfectly, you can choose between mesh screens, a clip-on grate of a porous foam. Possible downsides of installing a gutter cover are the cost and regular maintenance.

For More information contact your trusted roofing contractor in Savannah, GA, South Shore Roofing


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