How to effectively remove rooftop moss | South Shore Roofing Savannah GA
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Dealing with roof moss

One of the most common problems when it comes to the maintenance of your roof is dealing with moss. A well-known plant species that thrives in shady climates and humid environments. Although many different species exist, one thing they have in common is having no flowers or seeds.

Following are a few tips on how to prevent and treat moss on your roof.


It may appear stylish to have that lovely shade of green topping your roof, but you might want to think twice on that. Many experts have long-time proved just how bad moss is for asphalt shingle roofs. In many cases, when moss thickens it has the ability to raise the shingles, which consequently leads to leaking and damages the shingles.

Generally speaking, moss thrives in environments with a lot of shade. Also, the plant prefers acidic environments, specifically a pH level of 5.0 to 5.5. Since it doesn’t have a root system to secure water, it can most commonly be found on hard surfaces. Practically speaking, the north side of the roof has the highest chance of moss appearing.



Generally speaking, if you take away any of the conditions necessary for the process of growth, logically, moss will eventually disappear. You can either take away the shade, turn the environment acidic, or take the moisture away.

The easiest way to secure the sun shining on your roof is to remove any surrounding trees. Even though it seems like an expensive solution, it is one that will guarantee a lack of shade for years to come. If you don’t want to completely obliterate the trees, you can always try chopping off only a few branches on critical positions. This method has proven to be highly successful in dealing with moss, however its’ effectiveness drops in areas where the weather is naturally cloudy. For those who don’t wish to destroy the flora surrounding their living space, chemical solutions provide the remedy.

The most commonly used cleaning products are Spray & Forget, which also works on mold and mildew, not only on roofs but other surfaces. Wet & Forget also specializes in removing stains, moss and mildew from any outdoor surface. Roof Wash is a product designed for the purpose of cleaning roofs, as the name itself suggests.

For those DIY homeowners who want to stay true to the very last bit, here are two of the most popular home remedies:

Dish Soap Recipe, which includes four ounces of dish soap and one gallon of water.

Vinegar Recipe, which consists of 10% of Apple Cider Vinegar and 90% of water.

Other household items you can use in cases of a moss invasion are bleach, ammonia, lemon juice and orange juice.

To prevent the future growth of moss, install zinc strips at the top of the ridges, or string copper wires across the roof. Also, make a habit of cleaning it of debris.


Not every solution is necessary the optimal one. In this case, the thing that probably comes to your mind first is to pressure-wash the moss away. Unfortunately, high powered water will damage and remove the asphalt granules and drastically reduce the life span of your roof.

Also, when it comes to mixing chemicals, be careful with acidic products. In case your mixture is too strong, it can eat away the shingles. The best prevention for such an outcome is to test the solution on some few spare tiles.

If in any case you use water, do not spray it at an upward angle. The water may go under the shingles and rot the plywood base of the roof.

In case you need any further assistance on how to tackle moss on your roof, don’t hesitate to call your most trusted roofing contractor from Statesboro, Georgia.







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